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Salesforce Winter ’25 Release Flow Top New Features

Salesforce Winter ’25 Release Flow Top New Features.

1. Provide a Better Screen Flow Experience with Action Buttons (Generally Available)

With the Action Button component, the running user can trigger a screen action with the click of a button on a screen. The screen action runs an active autolaunched flow, and the results of the autolaunched flow can be shown on the same screen as the button. This component means fewer screens so users can complete screen flows more quickly and with fewer mistakes. Previously, users clicked through multiple screens to get the same functionality. Now generally available, the Action Button component includes some improvements since the last release.

The Action Button screen component has these new improvements:

  • Your screen flow users can see a new indicator in the action button to let them know that the screen action is running.
  • If you update the input and output variables of the action’s autolaunched flow, you can refresh your action’s inputs and outputs without refreshing the browser and the flow.
  • With the new In Progress screen action output, you can reference the in progress status of the screen action launched by the action button somewhere else in the flow. For example, you can disable another screen component on the same screen if the screen action is in progress. To use the In Progress output in an API version earlier than 62, open the screen that contains the action button component and resave the flow.
  • If the autolaunched flow that launches from the action button is running in system context, you’re notified so that you can take appropriate steps to secure your data.
  • You can disable the action button based on criteria that you set using a resource with a Boolean value.
  • Multiple accessibility updates improve the screen reader experience at design time and run time.

In Flow Builder, create and activate an autolaunched flow that retrieves data and saves that data in one or more output variables. Then, create a screen flow, add a Screen element to the flow, and include an Action Button component on the screen. Configure the Action Button component to launch the autolaunched flow that you previously created. Add another component to the screen that uses the output of the autolaunched flow. Save and run the flow.

For example, add a Screen element with a Lookup component that enables a user to search for and select an account record. Add an Action Button component to the screen that launches a flow that retrieves the contact records related to the selected account record. Add a Data Table component to the screen that uses the action button’s output to populate the component with the related contacts.

Flow Builder with a Screen element open and a Lookup, Action Button, and Data Table component

At run time, the user gets a streamlined experience because they can select the account without going to another screen to select the contacts. Both actions are on one screen.

The screen flow at runtime showing all the components on one screen

2. Collect User Input to Modify a List of Records from a Screen

You can now use the Repeater component to update existing record collections so it’s easier for end users to change a collection of records in a screen flow. Previously, the Repeater component in the Screen element supported only creating records.

Consider the example of changing the beneficiaries for an insurance policy. Because you don’t know how many beneficiaries a policy contains, you add the Repeater component to display existing beneficiary information. By setting a data source for the Repeater component, you can enable users to easily adjust details for beneficiaries. At run time, each Repeater instance contains the details about each beneficiary already associated with the policy, including name, contact information, and benefit allocation.

A running flow that shows a screen with two repeater instances

Because you’re now working with more than just information the end user adds, you can access multiple output collections from the Repeater component. Depending on the operations that the end user performed, you can process Added, All, Prepopulated, and Removed Items collections. For instance, to create beneficiaries that were added and update beneficiaries that were modified, reference the All Items output collection, and then use the new update existing records option in the Create Records element to save all the changes.

With new display options, you can also decide whether screen flow end users can add new items or remove pre-populated items in your Repeater instance. End users can remove items that they added manually.

3. Disable More Screen Component Fields at Run Time

Now you can disable fields on the Action Button, Dependent Picklist, Lookup, Phone, and Slider screen components by using the component’s Disabled attribute. When the Disabled attribute is set to true, screen flow users can’t focus on or modify any fields in the component. A gray background appears on the component’s input fields to give users a visual cue.

Add an Action Button, Dependent Picklist, Lookup, Phone, or Slider screen component to a Screen element in a flow. Set the Disabled attribute to a resource with a Boolean value. For example, you have a Screen element with a Lookup component that looks for contacts. You want the Lookup component accessible only if the running user wants to search for existing contacts. You set the Lookup component’s Disabled attribute to a Formula resource that evaluates to true when a checkbox called Search Existing Contacts? is unchecked (1).

A Lookup screen component with its Disabled field set to a formula resource

When the screen flow runs, the Contact Lookup component field is disabled (2) because the Search Existing Contacts? checkbox (3) is unchecked.

A screen flow at run time showing an unchecked checkbox called Search Existing Contacts? and a disabed Contact Lookup component

When the Search Existing Contacts? checkbox is checked (4), the Contact Lookup component field is no longer disabled (5).

A screen flow at run time showing an checked checkbox called Search Existing Contacts? and a no longer disabed Contact Lookup component

4. Select Multiple Choices with Choice Lookup Component

You can now configure the Choice Lookup component to accept either a single selection or multiple selections (up to 25), making it more flexible for your business processes. Previously, only the Lookup component supported selecting multiple options through a lookup field.

Consider a screen flow that project managers use to assign multiple tasks to various team members. You can configure the Choice Lookup component so that managers can select multiple tasks up to 25 selections. Previously, the Choice Lookup component supported only a single selection at a time.

A running flow that shows a screen with two selected options

From the Screen element in Flow Builder, add the Choice Lookup component. For Let Users Select Multiple Options, select Yes. Then, add the relevant choice resources.

Configure choices section in the Choice Lookup component properties panel

5. Recognize and Differentiate Between Custom Components Instantly in Screen Elements

Custom components now show labels or API names directly on the component in Flow Builder where you add the component to the Screen element, streamlining your workflow and reducing confusion. Previously, without a preview, understanding the role and function of each custom component was a guessing game, especially if you added the same component more than once.

Imagine you’re reviewing a flow with multiple custom long-text components that are used to process support tickets. Previously, it wasn’t easy to determine which component captures the issue description and which one captures the reproduction steps. Now you can see the role and function of each component at a glance, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Preview of two custom components that show their labels

Having this visual cue makes so many tasks easier, whether you’re configuring a complex process or training new team members. The preview of component API names or labels not only aids in faster onboarding of new users but also makes Flow Builder more intuitive and less error-prone.

6. Get Help Creating Flow Formulas with Einstein (Beta)

Build flow formulas with ease by describing what you want to calculate and letting Einstein generative AI figure out the functions and operators for you. Formulas created by Einstein are available only in Flow Formula Builder. Generative AI can produce inaccurate or harmful responses, so it’s important to test your formula for accuracy and safety before activating your flow.

Turn on Einstein generative AI in Setup. Then, in Setup, find and select Process Automation Settings, and enable formulas created by Einstein.

To create formulas with Einstein, open a Formula resource or an element with Formula Builder. Open the Einstein section and click the Einstein button (1). Describe the formula you want Einstein to create (2). When adding resources to your formula description, use the resource menu (3) to select them instead of manually writing them in. Click Create (4).

A new Formula resource with the Einstein section opn in the Flow Builder and a description of a formula

After Einstein creates the formula (5), check its syntax to make sure it’s set up correctly (6) and test your formula for accuracy and safety before activating the flow.

A new Formula resource with the Einstein section opn in the Flow Builder and a description of a formula and the resulting formula

7. Expand Your Email Reach by Using CC and BCC Options in Send Email Action

The maximum total number of recipient email addresses is increased from 5 to 150. You can now add CC and BCC recipients to emails by using the Send Email Action in Flow Builder. Any address entered in the CC field receives a copy of the email, and those in the BCC field also receive a copy, but their email addresses are hidden from all recipients.

In Flow Builder, in the element menu, search for Send Email, and then select Send Email. When you set input values, turn on BCC Recipient Address List and CC Recipient Address List. If you want to add recipients’ email addresses, enter them as a comma-delimited list or use a merge field that returns text in this format.

The Send Email Action’s BCC Recipient Address List and CC Recipient Address List options turned on to add email addresses.

8. Troubleshoot Configuration Issues Systematically with the Errors and Warning Pane

Troubleshooting flow errors is easier than ever before. The new Errors and Warnings pane lists issues that prevent you from saving and activating your flow as you work in an easy to scan format. The pane includes links to the Flow Builder canvas that help you identify the source of issues. You can show or hide the new pane with the Show Error button, which includes a notification badge that displays the total number of issues to address.

Create a flow, and click the Show Error icon in the button bar.

Errors and Warning pane in Flow Builder

9. Find Flow Child Resources More Easily

When referencing the child resource of an element in a flow, such as a screen component within a Screen element, now you can search for and select it directly in the updated resource menu. Previously, you had to first select the element of the child resource, and then select the child resource. This change applies to these child resources: Screen components, screen actions, Decision element outcomes, and Wait element configurations.

For example, you have a screen flow that collects a first name, last name, and email, and then creates a contact with that information. In the Create Records element following the Screen element, when you set the email for the new contact, search for the name of your email screen component (1). Then select the screen component (2).

A Create Records element properties panel showing the search for the screen componenet and the resulting screen component in the resource menu

10. Create New Variable and Constant Flow Resources More Easily

Now it’s easier to create new variable and constant flow resources with ‌improved grouping and user-friendly labeling. Resource grouping is now enabled for Text, Number, Currency, Boolean, Date, and Date/Time data types. These improvements make it easier for you to more quickly discover the resources that you need.

Open an existing or a new flow in Flow Builder and then click New Resource under the Manager panel. Select the resource type, Variable or Constant, and then the data type. Click in the Default Value field and enter a value or search for resources. The clickable breadcrumb path helps you identify where you are and navigate resource groups (1). You can recognize resource types quickly with more intuitive icons (2).

New Resource window with the breadcrumb path and intuitive icons highlighted in a variable resource type.

11. Find Flow Resource Variables More Easily in Assignment and Create Records Elements

With this update, Flow Builder extends the enhanced resource-selection experience to Assignment and Create Records elements. Resources such as Actions, Screen components, and Variables are grouped so it’s easier to find what you need.

Create or open a flow. Now add or edit an Assignment or a Create Records element.

For the Assignment element, click in the Set Variable Values field. The clickable breadcrumb path helps you identify where you are and navigate resource groups (1). Recognize resource types quickly with more intuitive icons (2). To create a resource quickly, click New Resource (3). To get helpful information about a resource, hover over the resource’s info icon (4).

The opened variable with a checkmark and the API Name, Data Type, and the Variable Type displayed.

For the Create Records element, the fields and values of manually selected objects and matching records are grouped and have clearer labels. To quickly create a resource for values, click New Resource.

Object value in a create records element showing the new friendlier grouping.
The new pill display in the matching record’s field that says Account Source.

12. Identify Inefficient Flow Designs with New Tips

New tips in Flow Builder help you identify designs that can slow down your flows and increase the risk of reaching Apex governor limits. These tips appear in the Flow Builder canvas and provide guidance on how to improve your flow. By addressing these suggestions, you can ensure that your flows are running efficiently and avoid potential performance issues.

These tips are especially useful for users who are new to building flows and aren’t aware of common pitfalls.

Tip that appears on Flow Builder canvas

With these tips, you can proactively optimize your flows and improve the overall user experience. Additionally, the tips help reduce the need for troubleshooting and debugging, saving you time and effort in the long run. Take advantage of these new tips to speed up your flows and achieve better results.

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