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Salesforce Summer ’22 Release Flow Top New Features

Salesforce Summer ’22 Release Flow Top New Features.

1. Use Formulas as Flow Entry Conditions

A formula builder is now available in the Start element of a record-triggered flow. The builder guides you through the syntax and simplifies the process. Instead of waiting until you save a flow, you can check the formula syntax and catch errors as you work.

Insert a resource and a function and select an operator. Click Check Syntax after you build each expression because the formula builder shows one error at a time.

Summer 22 Flow New Features - Set Entry Conditions with Formula Evaluates to True selected

2. Add Section Headers to Flow Screens

Use section headers to create a visual hierarchy to guide your users to the most important items on a screen. Sections with headers are collapsible and always open by default to make screen flow completion more efficient.

In a Screen element, add a Section component.

Summer 22 Flow New Features - Section header in screen editor

Select Include Header (1) and enter the header label (2).

3. Find Connected Flow Elements Faster with Go To Connector Enhancements

Now you can easily find connected elements in your flow with new highlighting and canvas adjustment improvements to Go To connectors.

To find an outbound connected element, click the Go To connector element name. To find all inbound connections for an element, click connections.

The outbound destination element is highlighted from clicking on the Go To connector

For example, to find the outbound connected element for the first fault path, click the Error Screen (1) Go To connector. The outbound connected destination element is highlighted (2) and centered on the canvas.

All inbound linked connectors are highlighted after clicking on the connections link

To find all inbound connections for the Error Screen element, click connections (3). All inbound linked connectors are highlighted (4)(5), and the canvas adjusts to show all Go To connectors and the destination element.

4. Manage the Run Order of Record-Triggered Flows from Flow Trigger Explorer

Easily change the run order of record-triggered flows by dragging them into place. Flow Trigger Explorer lets you manage the run order of record-triggered flows without opening and editing individual flows.

In Flow Trigger Explorer, click Edit Order and drag flows into the order you want them to run.

Summer 22 Flow New Features - Reordering flows in Flow Trigger Explorer

Changing the run order of flows in Flow Trigger explorer changes the flow’s Trigger Order value. The Trigger Order value determines the flow run sequence for an object’s flows with the same trigger type.

5. Access Flow Trigger Explorer from Object Manager

Now you can access Flow Trigger Explorer right from Object Manager and quickly manage your record-triggered flows.

To access Flow Trigger Explorer, on an object’s Flow Triggers page, click Flow Trigger Explorer. From there, you can manage the object’s record-triggered flows.

Object manager showing flow trigger explorer button

Salesforce Summer ’22 Release Flow Top New Features

6. Test One, Two, Three, Flow (Beta)

Before you activate a record-triggered flow, you can now test it to quickly verify its expected results and identify flow run-time failures. In Flow Builder, you create, save, and run flow tests. Previously, you debugged a flow manually to troubleshoot failures each time they occurred. Now, you create and save a flow test from a debug run. Then each time you modify the flow, you can run the test. You can test only a flow path that runs immediately. Flow tests don’t support flows that run when a record is deleted.

Automated testing for flows saves you time and improves the flow’s reliability because the test automates the process of determining whether the flow runs as expected. When you debug a flow, you manually configure the debug parameters and inputs each time you start to debug. With a flow test, you configure the test parameters and inputs one time. Each time you run the test, it uses the same configuration to evaluate the flow. By the way, you’re not stuck with the same test per flow. You can edit the test or create more tests for different scenarios. We recommend that you create a test for every path that the flow can take.

For example, this test verifies the flow when an account is updated and the flow takes the path that runs immediately. A flow test requires a flow path to run immediately.

Summer 22 Flow New Features - The New Test window

The test includes fields to set the initial and updated values for the triggering record, which is the same record that triggers the flow to run. The test creates a copy of the record to use only for the test. The record isn’t saved to the database.

The test evaluates each assertion to verify that the flow runs as expected. A test can only evaluate whether a flow element was executed and whether flow resource values are set as expected. Flow tests don’t support testing actions outside the flow such as validation rules or callouts.

The Set Assertions section

When a flow includes tests, the Tests list view shows all tests for a flow and associated test results.

The Tests list view

After a test is run, Test Run Details shows how each assertion was evaluated. If a condition evaluates to false, the assertion and test fail. If all assertions pass, the test passes.

The Assertions tab under Test Run Details in Flow Builder

All Details shows the results for the entire test run. Assertions are evaluated at the end of the test run.

The All Details tab under Test Run Details

Flow tests have these beta limitations and considerations.

  • The maximum number of tests per flow is 200.
  • Flow tests are available only for record-triggered flows.
  • Flow tests support only flow paths that run immediately.
  • Packaging and change sets aren’t supported for flow tests.
  • Flow tests don’t support testing other automations such as Apex or other record-triggered flows.
  • The owner of the triggering record in a flow test changes to the last person who edits the test.

To create a flow test, open a record-triggered flow, and click View Tests (Beta), and then click Create. To create a test from a debug run, click Convert to Test.

7. Convert Workflow Rules to Flows with the Migrate to Flow Tool (Generally Available)

Start transitioning to Flow Builder. The Migrate to Flow tool now supports more kinds of workflow rules, including most rule criteria formulas. Use the Migrate to Flow tool to convert your workflow rules into flows. Flow Builder can do everything that workflow rules can do—and more.

In Spring ’22, the Migrate to Flow tool supported workflow rules that contained these items:

  • Field-based criteria
  • Field updates
  • Email alerts
  • Outbound messages
  • Time-dependent workflow actions
  • Rule criteria formula that’s set to true (unless evaluation criteria is also set to created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria)

In Summer ’22, the Migrate to Flow tool now also supports:

  • Equal to null
  • Not equal to null
  • Rule criteria formula

Formulas that use HourMinuteSecondTimeNowTimeValueIsClone, or $RecordType aren’t supported.

From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Migrate to Flow, and then select Migrate to Flow. Or from Setup, on the workflow rules page, click Migrate your workflow rules to flows.

Summer 22 Flow New Features - The Migrate to Flow page in Setup

Select a workflow rule (1) and click Migrate to Flow (2).

The Migration details window with a "Test in Flow Builder" button, a "Switch Activations" button, and any details.

Test your resulting flow in Flow Builder (1). Then deactivate the workflow rule that you converted to a flow and activate the new flow (2).

8. Send Screen Flows to Slack with an Invocable Action (Beta)

Send a message to a Slack channel, a direct message, or the Messages tab of a Slack app that includes a button that a recipient can use to launch a flow.

The Slack Send Message to Launch Flow invocable action is available as a Beta Service for sandboxes. The invocable action works with Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. Slack apps, tools, and services that have been approved and installed by your Slack workspace owner are available for use in Slack desktop, mobile, and web apps.

In Flow Builder, build a screen flow that includes only screen components supported in Slack. When you save the flow, select the Make Available in Slack (Beta) checkbox in the Advanced area of the Save the flow dialog box. Then build a second flow that includes the slackSendMessageToLaunchFlowflowName invocable action, where flowName is the API name of the flow to send.

9. Order Triggered Orchestrations with Flow Trigger Explorer

Control the order of execution for record-triggered orchestrations with Flow Trigger Explorer. Manage your record-triggered orchestrations for a specified object as part of the Actions and Related Records (after-save) group of flows.

In the Start element for a record-triggered orchestration, click Open Flow Trigger Explorer for [Object name (for example, Opportunity)].

The Open Flow in Trigger Explorer button in the Start element of a record-triggered orchestration

10. Open Associated Flows from an Orchestration

Save time and open evaluation, screen, or autolaunched flows in Flow Builder from within an orchestration.

To open a flow, with a stage or step selected, click Open Flow in Flow Builder for the flow you want to view.

In an orchestration, the Open Flow in Flow Builder button appears after a flow is selected.

You can find Salesforce Summer ’22 Flow Release Notes here!

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